Home Documents is a searchable and printable digital library that includes copies of homeowner manuals, project documents, signed sales agreements, CCR’s, customer service procedures, home care videos, builder warranties, and acceptable standards & maintenance guidelines. Our beautiful, magazine-quality digital publications are customized for every builder with their logo, brand, and images.
Home Inventory electronically organizes and tracks every feature and product in a home for easy reference. Using our database of brands frequently used, a builder or property manager simply scrolls and selects the products, appliances, and paint colors used in the property. Homeowners then enter serial numbers and purchase dates to register all their new appliances, view links to user guides, and track warranty expirations. Maintenance reminders will be automatically generated based on manufacturer recommendations. After move-in, homeowners can add other personal items to their inventory library, such as phones, TVs, or computers.
Home Maintenance reminders and tips will help keep the home’s high-priced features (appliances, furnace, air conditioner, etc.) properly functioning for years. Constant use without maintenance and routine cleaning will lead to expensive repair and replacement costs. Builders can create lot-specific maintenance schedules, or they can turn on SiteOne’s monthly homeowner alerts. Providing a maintenance checklist ensures that homeowners are meeting their maintenance responsibilities. When the homeowner receives a maintenance or warranty notification, they must confirm the task is complete or continue to receive reminders.
Mitigate risk and provide your new homeowners with an experience second to none with their own HomeHub.